Australian Native Nursery


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Sustainable Gardening Australia Certification

The Australian Native Nursery was one of the first nurseries in Western Australia to be certified by Sustainable Gardening Australia (SGA). The main aim of SGA is to help the home gardener to adopt environmentally sustainable gardening practices that are appropriate to their local environment.

Nursery Industry Accreditation Scheme, Australia (NIASA) Accreditation

The Australian Native Nursery is Nursery Industry Accreditation Scheme, Australia (NIASA) accredited. NIASA is an industry ‘Best Management Practice’ program for production nurseries and growing media manufacturers. It provides a process of monitoring, reviewing and evaluating to set relevant targets and objectives to ensure our business is constantly improving.

EcoHort Accredited

We are proud to say that in 2010 we became EcoHort Accredited. EcoHort is the Environmental Management System for the Australian Nursery Industry. Its aim is to provide a framework and support production nurseries and growing media manufacturers to implement good practice, improve production and demonstrate and document sound environmental practice.

EcoHort provides a further step in the NIASA process, providing evidence of a responsible and holistic approach to business management and sustainability.

Water Corporation of Western Australia – Water Wise Garden Centre (WWGC)

The Australian Native Nursery is a Water Corporation of Western Australia – Water Wise Garden Centre (WWGC).

The objective of being an Accredited Water Wise Garden Centre is to positively influence consumption trends towards more water efficient garden designs, plants, mulches and associated products.

The Water Corporation has a webpage to assist you in selecting water wise plants

Water Wise Plant Directory

Mundijong Road Reserve

At the Australian Native Nursery we try to play an active role in our local community by helping to protect remnant bushland and open space. Biodiversity resides in many unexpected places, such as roadside verges, nature strips, small parks and open spaces. In particular we have spent time over the last 20 years assisting with rehabilitation and care of the 10km long Mundijong Road reserve which is a valuable flora road reserve in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale containing several very rare plant species.


We are heavily involved with the Serpentine Jarrahdale Landcare Group. Nancy is a member of the Landcare Board and the Serpentine Jarrahdale District Committee. In 2007 she was awarded the Clem Kentish Community Service Award for more than 20 years of service to Landcare in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.


The Australian Native Nursery also actively supports local schools, clubs and our shire with donations of plants and giving talks.